Monday, July 26, 2010

RoLLeR dErbY

So it's been a while since I've last posted but have no fear I have captured a few photos to keep you up to date on what I've been doing.
So I experienced my first roller derby and let me tell you how freakin awesome it was. I thought it would be a bunch of young skaters but not so much, it was older people crusin around. I couldn't believe how physical some of those players got. They punching, pulling hair and throwing each other over the railing and fighting. There wasn't even padding on the ground and they were landing on the concrete. I got so into the fighting and everything else that was going on that some lady asked if I could explain to her how roller derby worked. I told her that it was my first derby and she said "OH", I thought you have been here before because you are so into it. How could I not, it was some great action. It wasn't until the end of the last few quarters that I finally figured out how they were keeping score. I tell you what, there is no way that I could do what they do and not be in some serious pain at the end of the night.

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