Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wisdom Teeth

I waited a tad bit too long to get my wisdom teeth out, but the dentist told me that I could keep them so I did. Well unfortunately I developed TMJ (lock jaw) and my wisdom teeth would touch before the rest of my teeth did so I had them taken out yesterday. I was so scared that I kept dreading it. I had some nasty nightmares the night before and butterfly's like I never had before. My mom flew in to take care of me, thank goodness. The doctor gave me some happy gas and an IV and the next thing I knew I was waking up. I didn't feel a blasted thing, thank goodness but I sure am feeling it now. I've gone through plenty of gauze pads!!!!! I've always had a round face and the swelling isin't helping either. My cheeks are starting to swell up, making it look like I'm storing food for the winter. I wish I would have gotten my wisdom teeth out when I was younger, cause this stuff sucks!!!!


The Wright Family said...

Oh shoot! Hope you're feeling MUCH better!

robertsfamof5 said...

SICK!!!! It's funny you have a pic of these teeth. When I had my 16 teeth pulled when I was younger, I kept mine too and then used them for a science project showing what soda pops rotted your teeth the most.